Fishing Regulations Update

Fishing Regulations Update

As you may have heard by now, the ban on the use of live bait has been lifted. We are excited to be able to use live bait on our launches, and can’t wait to take you on one!

Speaking of our launches, we just got Big Mac in the water (as you can see in the picture). We are loving this warm spring weather and are itching for fishing opener- just 4 more weeks! If you are interested in booking a private 4 or 8-hour launch, or hopping on one of our public 4-hour launches, give us a call at (320)676-3535 today! We provide the driver, 1st mate, bait, tackle, rods and reels- you bring some snacks, your camera, and get ready for a good time! We have gas grills and private restrooms on board for your convenience as well.

We hope to see you soon!