Open water fishing is here!

Open water fishing is here!

Despite the last week of this crazy Minnesota weather, the fishing has remained good. We saw some snow, rain, sunshine, and wind. Walleye, bass and pike opened on May 11 and we have been hearing great reports from our guides and launch captains since then.

Bass are liking jerk baits, swim baits, and tube jigs. Natural colors have been doing the best. They should be starting to move to their beds soon if we can get this water temp to start warming up which should start happening in the next week or two.

Walleyes have been liking everything right now. Good ol’ bobber and a leech, swimbaits, crankbaits, or a jig with a minnow. They have been found on the shallow rocks but also out as deep as 20’.

The pike bite is starting to pick up as the weeds are just starting to come up. We expect in the next couple of weeks that they will start heating up. They have been found in the bays in 8’-12’ of water using jigs, jerk baits, and minnows. Some people are catching them while out walleye fishing which is always a fun fight.

A reminder of the regulations on Mille Lacs:

Bass is catch and release until Saturday, May 25 and after that you can have three in possession, only one can be over 21”. All 17”-21” bass must be immediately released. *Please note we encourage that all bass are catch and release and we do not allow the keeping of bass on our launch boats* Walleye you can have one in possession between 21”-23” or one over 28” through May 31. After May 31 it is strictly catch and release. You can keep five pike but must immediately release any 30”-40” and of your five pike only one can be over 40”.