Cooler waters with warmer fishing

Cooler waters with warmer fishing

August 1 we can target walleye and use live bait again.  We look forward to what should be an excellent walleye bite.  As we near the end of July, mother nature is treating us with some fall-like winds. Surely this is just a tease, but its reminding us how quickly time flies when you’re having a good time.

Fishing has been steady. Water temps are hovering right around that 73-77. With winds blowing pretty high relatively often, our water clarity is quite low, only able to see about 2-3′. Typically our sight depth is around 6 feet.

Bass are still in their summer patterns as they should be. The bass should start to school up and show signs of fall patterns right around the end of august, depending on how warm of an August we have.

Best baits for bass have been the ned rig and drop shot. Guys are catching a few on swimbaits up in the shallow waters (4-8 FOW). The best bite has been targeting those deeper isolated boulders in 10-18 FOW.

Muskie guys are starting to get a bit more present now that that water temperature is creeping back to being less stressful on these fish.  Lots of large northern pike up to 45″ have been turning up, trolling crankbaits seems like it has produced the most.